We achieve success for our clients by using Inbound Marketing strategies that work. Before we start any new project we relentlessly plan and research how to get the best results. This always comes down to the website and how effective it is. Your website is your most effective marketing tool and it is essential that it’s a fully optimised, lead converting machine.
Everything we do is monitored, trackable and measured. We don’t just set up a strategic campaign or build a content sales funnel and let the campaign run. We test, re test and improve everything until we are satisfied from our results that we have the best converting processes in place.
We are constantly modifying our strategy for the client’s product or service, crafting an evolving campaign for our clients. We are quick to adapt also and can set up new strategies or ideas fast based on results.
We could be testing what graphics and copy get the best CTR (Click through rate) for social media ads, for each of our Personas, or it could be split testing landing pages for each persona at every stage of the content funnel. We might not be happy with a 2 – 3% download rate of a targeted PDF guide. We will look at the reasons why and change the design or content accordingly.
In short, we never stop analysing data until we are satisfied that we are producing the best optimised content and running only the most suitable traffic to our clients website that has the best conversion rates.
Its only with successful results that we can continue our Inbound Marketing solutions once the client is satisfied by a healthy ROI.
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If you would like to find out more about our planning solutions, please feel free to get in touch on 020 7127 4174.